On the 4th of September the meeting of the university administration, headed by rector Natalia Pobirchenko with young specialists took place.

The main problem for today's youth is the first job, because students met with many obstacles after graduation. Therefore, they met President's social initiatives about providing of university graduates of their first job with the enthusiasm and high expectations. That was a new and real step towards the introduction of European approaches to ensure young people with a decent job.

University administration commits many efforts to employment of graduates, conducts training of students at the university during their studying and gives them the first job according to the law "On the promotion of social advancement and development of young people in Ukraine". University pays much attention to graduates' distribution according to public order.

Nataliya S. Pobirchenko appealed to the youth with preceptorial words: "Today we have gathered you - young professionals, who started working at the university in various positions in the status of young professionals. Some of you have already started working at the university, while being a student, someone acting on a voluntary basis, some of you have passed the internship in the student government. While studying at the university you showed the organizational capacity and ability, faithfully perform duties, and have proven that you are a young elite of our university. So today we are happy to welcome you as our colleagues and look forward to continue working for the benefit of the University and Ukraine".

The young colleagues were awarded by commemorative presents.

The former chairman of the university students' council Oleksandr Slobodyanyk thanked the University ex parte of graduates.