The Foreign Students Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University celebrated the union of cultures dedicated to the 50 years Anniversary of Organization of African Unity (OAU). The foreign students represented their countries to get closer to each other.

Though different, those nations are very friendly. Our students from the African countries told us so much interesting and exciting about their homes, languages, cultures, customs and traditions. Every country is unique in its own way. Some new, unknown facts about the African countries were discovered. Besides, it was a great chance for our students to familiarize themselves with the elements of the ancient Ukrainian culture. Making rag dolls added some spice to the holiday. It is a well-known fact that a rag doll is considered to be a sacred talisman. It also symbolizes the feminine wisdom and goes back to the times of the Trypillian culture. So Olena M. Pobirchenko, the teacher at our University, taught us a master class in making rag dolls. Thus the foreign students created a Ukrainian talisman for themselves.

Cherishing our ancient Ukrainian traditions we motivated the foreign students from different countries to appreciate their own unique ones. The cultural program was concluded with reaching a mutual aim - to maintain the cultural ties, value the national treasures of our peoples, and treat each other with tolerance and understanding.