This year, students decided to "stretch" Valentine's Day into Valentine's Week. Celebration as it was planned had several stages - after a romantic youth party everybody visited the disco, and then being satisfied and inspired they went to the so-called "Quick Dates".

The final spectacular point and zest of the celebration was "Students Registry Office" - youth marriages registration that was intended to unite a beloved couple. In the presence of all friends, the student council and creative Cupid eight pairs of students united their lives in a common, long and happy journey. Encouraged couples signed the marriage certificates, exchanged marriage rings, and gave promises. Student Council blessed couples of newlyweds to live common students' family life.

Corridors and audience of academic buildings were festively decorated with "blinking" valentine cards and romantic music, contributing to a buoyant mood and all the girls were particularly beautiful and charming on that Day.

Besides, all departments organized the Valentine fairs, competition of festive cards, themed flash mobs, where students received promotional contraceptive kits under the motto "Have fun safely". Students could participate in different competitions: the election of department’s Valentyn and Valentyna, the best "Sweet Couple", the best Valentine’s card, the best congratulatory message in the student "Love Mail". The ??holiday boxes were overfilled with valentine’s cards containing declarations of love and sympathy to each other.... lovers tenderly hold each other hands during romantic cinema shows. Competition "Find You a Couple" was successful - no one was left without a couple. There was also full competition program in the hostel.

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