Last week there was a meeting of teaching staff of Natural Sciences And Geography Department of UDPU with Tsarykom Lyubomirom - Ph.D. (Geography), professor, a head of department of Geoecology and Methods of teaching ecological disciplines of the Volodymyr Gnatyuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University.

Tsaryk L.P. familiarized with the material and technical base of Natural Sciences And Geography Department, presented a monograph the "Natural terms and resources of Ternopil region", conducted a creative dialog about the specific of studies of students of geographical specialities on the modern stage.

The lecturers of our university also shared with Lyubomir their scientific works of the last years. As a result of meeting an agreement was concluded agreement about the collaboration of Natural Sciences and Geography Department of our university with the geographical faculty of Volodymyr Gnatyuk TNPU.