On December 24, conference of the university staff was held at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. The conference was devoted to the rector's report on the implementation of contract's conditions with Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Ukraine, as well as questions about the completion of the collective agreement between administration and the University staff for 2011-2012 and approval of a new collective agreement.

Before the formal part of meeting rector of the University, corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, doctor of sciences (Pedagogics), professor Nataliya Pobirchenko and head of the University trade union committee, associate professor Oleksandr Osadchyi congratulated the director of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Technology Education, doctor of sciences (Pedagogics), professor Oleksandr Kobernyk on his 60th anniversary.

Also colleagues congratulated associate professor Valentyna Koval on her election as dean of Ukrainian Philology Department, and Petro Voloshyn on obtaining the academic rank of assistant professor of Music Art Chair; Nataliya Kovalchuk on the successful defense of PhD's theses (scientific supervisor - PhD. (Pedagogics), assoc. prof. Tetyana Kochubey) and Svitlana Podzigun (scientific supervisor - doctor of sciences (Economics), prof. Anatoliy Muzychenko).

After the ceremonial greetings the conference started to implement the agenda. The rector's report was systematically highlighted the main areas of University life, staff's achievements for reporting period, problems should be worked on in prospect, and the priorities for further development of the university. Head of the University trade union committee, associate professor Oleksandr Osadchyi, vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work, associate professor Tetyana Kochubei, engineer on safety of life activity Vitaliy Kolisnyk, dean of the Arts and Pedagogics Department, associate professor Olena Dudnyk, chairman of the University students council Victoriya Mykhailyuk, doctoral student Olena Yaroshynska took part in discussing the agenda.

Collective agreement between administration and the University staff for 2013-2014 was approved after the detailed discussions.

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