On June 2012 the third year students of Natural Sciences and Geography Department had been passing a comprehensive training and field practice in plant physiology, ecology, physical geography of continents and oceans, local history studying and tourism in Yevpatoriya, Crimea.

Excursion group

Training and field practice provides a comprehensive studying of the Crimean peninsula, including the Black Sea coast, generalization of knowledge about the physiological processes in plant organisms, the characteristics of human activity and its impact on natural systems, history of studying area economic development.

In the Black Sea coast

To study the plant species diversity, endemics and relics of the Crimean peninsula and all continents unique plants the students visited the Nikitsk Botanical Gardens.

Among the bamboo collection of Nikitsk Botanical Gardens

Students were able to visit the plateau of the most beautiful of the Crimean Mountains - Ai-Petri.

On top of Ai-Petri (1234.2 m)